Oblivio por Andres Marin Solis

Oblivio | Bibliografía.

Aquí esta la lista de links que encontraras en el libro de Oblivio de Andres Marin Solis




Hellbound (2012)


Hell and Mr. Fudge (2012)


Come Sunday (2018)


Love Unrelenting (2022)


Eternal Theater (2024)




Love Wins por Rob Bell


That all Shall be Saved by David Bentley Hart


Holly Hell by Derek Kubilus


Jesus Undefeated by Keith Giles


Sinners in the Hand of a Loving God bu Brian Zahnd


Rethinking Hell by Chris Date


The Fire that Consumes by Edward Fudge


Her Gates will Never be Shut by Brad Jersak


Four Views on Hell


Deconstructing Hell by Chad Bahl